MembersPage/AntonLilja (2006-03-03 08:33:05)

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My name is Anton, I'm 18, live in Helsingborg Sweden and I'm building a '94 Audi 80 Quattro. It originally has a 2.3L 10v N/A engine in it but I'm building a turbo converted 2.3L 20v to put in it and a GenBoard v3.3 to run fuel injection, boost control and distributorless ignition. I'm doing this partly as a school project, by myself.

My biggest "role model" for this project is Javad Shadzi and his car,

Hooked up serial, keyboard and LCD.

The above is not related to MegaTune (version/comm) problem.


Q: I'm following MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide and I've connected and powered up the board to the computer.

before trying megaTune

Solution: These are incompatible. Either


The FET and IGBT places on the board can be assigned with much freedom. See GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut, GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut/Table