
Ford Sierra Cosworth 2wd

[ Start] [Calibration] [Trigger] [Knock Sensing] [ Misc]

VemsTuneMulticast Question

Has anybody experience with multicast Vemstune setup across lan on internet. I wanted to view realtime datalog on another pc by vemstune during tuning with primary pc with serial port connected vems.

I have done the setup as wiki said [1]

The master VT (connects to VEMS ECU via serial usually, or rarely via TCP/IP, eg. ser2net:

Slave VT with "multicast (server): OFF") (for logging, viewing, NOT to change values):

The second vemstune connected for Marcell

Then I have tried secondary multicast on, connect, and ip to primary, and most of combinations of these but no success.

Originally with Weber-Marelli engine management.

See InputTrigger/LanciaCosworth

Other sensors - seems very smooth

The Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)

This unit is fitted to the throttle shaft and senses the throttle position. at idle speed voltage is 5.0-4.5 volts and at full throttle the voltage drops to 0.5 volt.

The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor

Depending on the manifold pressure, the sensor regulates between 0.25 to 4.75 volts.

The Air Charge Temperature (ACT, MAT) Sensor

This sensor is of the NTC resistor type, its resistance decreases as temperatures increase.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT, CLT) Sensor

The ECT is also of NTC resistor type and its operating range is identical to that of the ACT.


Ignition module

The ECU sends a Spark-out signal to the ignition module

Coil - would you really want to use the unknown ignition module when this coil could be driven directly ?

Ford Escort/Mondeo wasted-spark coil is good sollution against the original distributor+coil setup

The Fuel Injectors

The ECU provides accurate control of the solenoid operated fuel injectors to discharge fuel.

The Idle Speed Control (ISC) Valve

This unit is regulates the engine demand for air depending on the engine temperature, engine load, or swithed on accessories.

The valve, whichis controlled by a variable current from the ECU, adjust the air flow into the engine.

The Boost Pressure Control Valve

This solenoid valve is directly connected to the high pressure side of the turbocharger by a hose. Depending upon whether the valve is open or closed it will either "vent-off" a portion of the boost to the inlet side of the compressor (valve open) or direct it to the wastegate actuator (valve closed)

Configuration advice:

About analog / digital inputs

From wiki and WebShop docs there are 3 spare analog input:

EC18pin6 is set up for electronic MAP signal when no onboard MAP sensor is used. Otherwise EC18pin6 set up for MCP3208pin7, that is channel6 of the extra-ADC. USABLE because of onboard MAP

EC18pin12 is set up for secondary_trigger VR when auditrigger is ordered. Otherwise EC18pin12 set up for MCP3208pin8, that is channel7 of the extra-ADC. NOT USABLE because of auditigger :(

EC18pin16 is set up for MCP3208pin6 (channel5 of the extra-ADC) when 1-wire option is not selected (only after 2005 December). When will be the ibutton implemented?

What features of it?

Or MCP3208pin6 would be routable to another econoseal pin?

What is the sollution for more analog / digital inputs? (For launch control, als on/off, fuel pressure sensor, oil pressure sensor etc.)

We will make it possible to allow 3 digital inputs via 1 analog input (using a 10k ladder, pulling towards GND via 10k/4, 10k/2 and 10k. Pullup is 2k7 towards 5V, can be internal).

Analog inputs are loggable.

The MCP input could get electrical protections in the case?

See KarolyBakos

Hello! I just saw you wrote on my member page. I have some questions for you (cosworth related). Best regards, IgnjatRNN