MembersPage/MiskaPeippo/JettaGT (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

I'm going to help in conversion from B&G MS to VEMS in friend's n/a Jetta 16v.

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Information hunting

Let's assume one who never before has browsed through wiki has just got his V3.2 order. He might end up wondering what to do next? Does he need to solder something by hand? A little searching brings following pages:

So there is something to start. Maybe a proper step-by-step guid is needed, I'll try collecting the issues to a separate page from this exercise.


It's alive. Engine was running yesterday, board was only delivering fuel. Latest config files:


Problem below was solved by updating a perl. With perl v5.8.6 works smoothly.

Yesterday we made some initial tests in the car. MT configuration started to look somehow acceptable after a couple of hours, basically using old configuration from B&G MS. However TPS readings were not ok, values were either 16% at idle or by adding some throttle value jumped directly to 100%. In the LCD TPS values were ok.


Some problems with perl. I use a activestate perl under Win: This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread

When trying to run perl bin\ global.h doc\megatune\config.xml doc\megatune\vemsv3.ini I get an error message\n

"strict" is not defined in %XML::Simple::EXPORT_TAGS at C:/APPS/Perl/lib/Exporter/ line 75
        Exporter::heavy_export('XML::Simple', 'main', ':strict') called at C:/APPS/Perl/lib/ line 45
        Exporter::import('XML::Simple', ':strict') called at bin\ line 10
        main::BEGIN() called at C:/APPS/Perl/site/lib/XML/ line 10
        eval {...} called at C:/APPS/Perl/site/lib/XML/ line 10
Can't continue after import errors at bin\ line 10
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at bin\ line 10.

I tried to download XML-Simple from activestate and installed it ppm install XML-Simple.ppd without any warnings etc. but obviously something is still wrong. Any hints?


Board/case assembly is now mostly completed after some not-so-active period.


Completing of the controller begins.

Although board has a most of the parts already soldered on it, a few components still needs to soldered by hand.

There are also several items to check before even thinking to plug the board to the car.


Ordered items arrived

more details will follow..