AfreshTiny/FirmwareUpgrade (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Subpage of AfreshTiny

Firmware Releases

Older releases may remain for a while, for historical reasons.

Firmware upgrade does not change the factory configuration saved in EEPROM. Even if we add new variables to firmware, we keep the old variables in place.

Firmware upgrade

Supported windows versions

Roundloader.exe seems to work on win32 systems from w98 to XP (and likely newer), if COM-port is otherwise working:

Supported Linux method ... Oldschool firmware upgrade method - for experts only Works (similar to BootLoader) with new (included in the zip) version (PERL and serialport module required, NOT included). only recommended on linux, or if roundloader does not work for some reason. Ask for a linux roundloader native executable if you need it.

Recover from interrupted firmware upgrade

Normally, this should NOT be necessary.

For round, if firmware upgrade is interrupted, the serial loopback method will NOT work. Either it will stay in bootloader by itself, or only 'S' flooding will work: send a file from TerminalProgram full of "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" (make it 6..30kbyte to be convenient, because it sends appr 2kbyte/sec) in 19200,8n1 while the round is powered up; than any standard firmware upgrade tool like roundloader should be able to communicate and upgrade firmware

Revert to default config (wbo2, EGT, etc...)

Avoid this ! Only do it if variables seem to be badly misconfigured.

This procedure should not normally be necessary. It reverts to wbo2_pump_pw_zero=0x65 and egt_offset=0xC0 so you might want to recalibrate: