History of MembersPage/GaborRacz/NewAlsLaunchAndOthers
Older Newer
2022-09-28 17:13:52 . . . . 80-95-89-26.pool.digikabel.hu [split LaunchControl]
2017-05-12 09:49:37 . . . . catv-80-98-142-196.catv.broadband.hu [ThrottleKickerKicker page]
2010-10-26 11:31:48 . . . . ti0055a380-dhcp0046.bb.online.no [Let`s clean up this. forget the lower treshold, and focus on what`s relevant.]
2010-10-25 09:32:12 . . . . 3e44b74d.adsl.enternet.hu [maybe use 2 TPS values ?]
2010-10-25 09:21:43 . . . . 3e44b74d.adsl.enternet.hu [so lower TPS threshold tottally horrifying ?]
2010-10-18 23:32:50 . . . . ti0055a380-dhcp0046.bb.online.no [Answer to launch sugestion]
2010-09-16 23:38:46 . . . . 4d6f41a6.adsl.enternet.hu [1 threshold only ? to avoid "releasing throttle => engine-revvup" behavior ]
2010-09-06 12:58:24 . . . . ti0055a380-dhcp0046.bb.online.no [Launch control sugestion]
2008-08-05 19:23:41 . . . . MembersPage/GintsK [question about boost at launch]
2008-03-26 08:09:14 . . . . 3e44ba60.adsl.enternet.hu [better drawing to explain ALS]
2007-01-13 18:40:32 . . . . MembersPage/JorgenKarlsson [Commented spark cut]
2007-01-13 02:57:16 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [new ALS variables]
2007-01-03 01:35:47 . . . . 77.net66.skekraft.net [more]
2007-01-03 01:27:38 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [minor formatting. Dropped a part - solved]
2007-01-03 01:21:02 . . . . 77.net66.skekraft.net [fixed fuel enrichment]
2007-01-03 01:05:30 . . . . dsl51B63B82.pool.t-online.hu [ALS things again]
2007-01-03 01:01:04 . . . . dsl51B63B82.pool.t-online.hu [ALS again]
2007-01-03 00:48:54 . . . . 77.net66.skekraft.net [more from emil]
2007-01-03 00:40:55 . . . . 77.net66.skekraft.net [comments]
2007-01-03 00:19:30 . . . . dsl51B63B82.pool.t-online.hu [ALS things by FERO]
2007-01-02 23:14:12 . . . . dsl51B63B82.pool.t-online.hu [ALS things again by Fero]
2007-01-02 22:47:03 . . . . dsl51B63B82.pool.t-online.hu [ALS again by Fero]
2006-10-23 12:13:33 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [under low-RPM it leaves ALS, of course !]
2006-10-23 09:47:00 . . . . dsl51B7A166.pool.t-online.hu [details on als problem]
2006-10-23 06:03:26 . . . . 81.net216.skekraft.net [als test details?]
2006-10-23 01:08:35 . . . . dsl51B78865.pool.t-online.hu [als 60deg retard NOT WORKING (for us)]
2006-10-14 16:25:20 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [just disables ALS below low-RPM. Check your air-quantity]
2006-10-14 02:10:38 . . . . dsl51B788A6.pool.t-online.hu [ALS low RPM wont work]
2006-10-13 21:46:34 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [stable1_0 has absolute retard and TKS always on]
2006-10-13 21:16:55 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [ALS developments]
2006-10-03 17:13:07 . . . . dsl51B788F5.pool.t-online.hu [more als suggestions]
2006-08-29 14:37:46 . . . . 3e70cd61.adsl.enternet.hu [how could be our ALS perfect, by FERO]
2006-08-04 17:00:34 . . . . MembersPage/JimW [Launch Cntrl TODO: how to configure input button]
2006-04-28 22:23:37 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [kpa_conf]
2006-04-19 04:34:06 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [note on ign_balance and easy-path to upgrade to ALS firmware]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [config example to disable ALS]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . proxy.enternet.hu [Fero's ALS suggestions]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . proxy.enternet.hu [Fero's ALS suggestions]
2006-03-16 04:43:08 . . . . MembersPage/GaborRacz [Added details about new patch]

Changes by last author:

=== VEMS ECU (GenBoard/VerThree) Firmware has improved ALS since 1.0.23 - ALS, Launch control, Soft revlimiter, etc ===
=== VEMS ECU (GenBoard/VerThree) Firmware has improved ALS since 1.0.23 - ALS, LaunchControl, Soft revlimiter, etc ===
Launch control

See LaunchControl (all below is for geeks only).

You can enable launch control in my_make:
Launch control normally enabled in my_make: