History of GenBoard/Manual/Firmware
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2005-03-13 17:45:12 . . . . line-70-197.dial.freestart.hu [corrected manual references]

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All information from page GenBoard/FirmWare

on this topic should be cleaned and merged to this page.

[[Manual: Detailed.Central.Firmware.Operate]]

Previosly, everyone compiled their own firmware, so some extra tools had to be installed like CVS, winavr (as on AtMega/AvrGccFAQ).

* Today most people use released firmware version from GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges. Since it has a compiled firmware (vems.hex), there is no need to compile the firmware for GenBoard/VerThree (except some very special hardware configurations like missing or noninverting FETdrivers). So CVS and winavr (that contains avr-gcc, make, ...) is not required any longer

* Perl is still recommended (see PerlInterpreter) to run bin/prog.pl that uploads the vems.hex firmware to the board (commonly referred to as "reflashing") using the GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoader method.


* GenBoard/Manual/Firmware/WBSensor


See also

* GenBoard/Manual