MembersPage/Norbitron (2016-02-15 19:14:20)



As discussed on the phone, we would like to have the ability on the

V3 to send a linear wideband output signal to a 3rd party device.

An OEM ECU in this case. This can already be done with a Round

display, but as Marci said, this would be possible to do with a

custom firmware on the V3 as well. If possible we would like to get

the same signal that the round can send on the analog output when

vout_conf=5, which is a wideband high resolution linear output

(0..5V) There is really no need for any configuration options for

this, everything can be hardcoded if such feature is not wanted in

the main-line firmware.

Thank you!



Opel Astra Z20LEH ETC controlling problem.

I configured the PPS1, PPS2, and (manualy)TPS1, TPS2 sensor. It's working fine, however the TPS does not react to PPS. I've tried to change the duty cycle from 0 to 100% without any success. The bridge is always grounded, if ETC is disabled then the bridge does PWM just fine.

Also if ETC is disabled and injector pwm is set to between 50% - 100% the TPS reacts to the changes.

In the log the ETC didn't working. I moved to manualy.

Answered related bug report: - DB

If ETC target cannot be reached in 1.2.20-1.2.28 with an assumedly reasonable config (actuator min/max not reached; P and I nonzero, ...), please see newest from [dirX] or [dir] and test with that (wider window for ETC integral limit), and report result.



Which is the best choice to triggering the AAN engine?

I don't like to use auditrigger. I would like to use more reliable way for it. 60-2 missingtooth wheel, 5pin coiltype or other tip from you? /Norbitron

I use 60-2 with Hall-sensor, running 5coils without camsync. Works perfect. / Erik Englund

-What kind of hall sensor do you use? Is it? ->

This isn't recommending with home made 60-2 wheels. Do you use an OEM from other car? /Norbitronic



Audi Coupe 2.2 20VT AAN - Primary trigger modification note.

Changed from the original 3 trigger to 2 (TDC,CAM). Don't use the 135teeth RPM trigger. Originally the TDC- sensor are sensing 1pin. We installed more 4 pin so there are 5pin every 72degree back of the flywheel.