MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/MitsuSixGSeventyTwo (2017-03-22 14:28:35)

Mitsubishi 6G72 page

Installing VEMS into a Mitsubishi Galant 2.5 V6 turbo, engine code 6G72 (Cyclone V6 engine firing order: ...)

Timing info on MembersPage/PeterJensenMitsubishi

Apparently supported by any nonancient fw (use >=1.2.31 for other reasons) with proper config

Trigger pattern is a bit unusual. Trigger wheel is like this:


It's very similar to the Lancer EVO trigger, but 6 cyls instead of 4. MembersPage/Fero/MitsubishiEVO

Apparently Peter Jensen had experience with this engine back in 2010, but now I cannot open his old triggerlogs, or interpret those configs with currently accesible VemsTune versions:

Some hints to prepare?

Scope and/or Bench-test with the following in mind:


sync condition



Historical note: Marcell first didn't notice that primtrig falling is the simplest and perfect soltion, he implemented a CYCLONEV6 fw mod (in effect when "EVO" with >4 cyl configured; 1.2.36 version, but not published): at primtrig (falling), NO sectrig (falling) pulse seen since last primtrig

  • but looking at the pulsetrain again, it seems now that happens twice (NOT good)

Proceed path: get scopeshot(s) or angular positions numerically (or verify Peter's)