History of MembersPage/NanassyPeter/AudiMissingTooth
Older Newer
2006-10-08 23:59:55 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [engine runs well with overlapping dwell firmware]
2006-10-02 12:48:32 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [camsync pulse position]
2006-10-02 12:43:34 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [runs with 1.0.59 run; high-power tests to come]
2006-09-30 17:18:56 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [Added Emil's vemsv3.ini that has h[1]]
2006-09-30 14:49:58 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [mtt files]
2006-09-27 21:29:42 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [warn about h[2] error. Note on most likely h[1] and h[2]]
2006-09-25 16:23:04 . . . . dsl51B788E4.pool.t-online.hu [firing order and h2]
2006-09-25 01:17:29 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [question on cyl order]
2006-09-21 05:37:06 . . . . dsl51B7A161.pool.t-online.hu [odwellproblem]
2006-09-18 12:09:18 . . . . dsl51B78946.pool.t-online.hu [STILL NO 1.0.55 at the link!!]
2006-09-17 20:52:15 . . . . dsl51B78946.pool.t-online.hu [link wont work]
2006-09-17 20:51:25 . . . . dsl51B78946.pool.t-online.hu [NOT WORKIN LINK,cant see 1.0.55]
2006-09-17 20:41:14 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [firmware with overlapping dwell]
2006-07-30 14:08:34 . . . . MembersPage/NanassyPeter [race results]
2006-07-29 14:18:30 . . . . catv-5665af55.catv.broadband.hu [camsync with 15-1 on 5 cyl engine]
2006-07-29 03:57:34 . . . . AttilaSzücs [Same problem with multitooth + camsync]
2006-07-29 03:44:30 . . . . AttilaSzücs [Same problem with multitooth + camsync]
2006-07-29 03:39:23 . . . . AttilaSzücs [Same problem with multitooth + camsync]
2006-07-28 21:59:22 . . . . dsl5400D648.pool.t-online.hu [mcdmct added]
2006-07-28 20:29:07 . . . . catv-5665af55.catv.broadband.hu
2006-07-28 20:20:07 . . . . catv-5665af55.catv.broadband.hu [trigger hints]

Changes by last author:

* 1.0.59_experimental was the first that we couldn't get to make an error on bench (ign switching off later than should) under any circumstances (trigger killed and restarted fast; noise injected; fast RPM changes). See [release]
* with 1.0.59_experimental we didn't experience errors on bench (ign switching off later than should) under any circumstances (trigger killed and restarted fast; trigger faded with mixer; noise injected; fast RPM changes). See [release]
Note that this release only supports N-1 multitooth (actually only tested with 15-1 ), wait a few days for N-2 and coil-type.
Note that 1.0.59 release only supports 15-1 multitooth.

1.0.60 supports N-1 and N-2, but untested, and for 15-1 there is no known advantage compared to 1.0.59

This engine is running well with 1.0.59 overlapping dwell firmware, idles and drives around, and is powerful. ALS works too, though max retard seems to be limiting it's usefullness (will be fixed soon)

The 15-1 wheel is now hollowed on lathe and fixed strongly to the crank (this will prevent the earlier accident of coming off from the flywheel and flying away with some spectacular fireworks under the car at a 402m dragrace).

Unfortunately engine rev-limits itself at 7900..8000 RPM, but this is certainly NOT caused by the limited dwell (since dwell is not limited with this firmware even at high-RPM). Most likely the orig cylinder head cannot actuate the valves properly at too high RPM.


Firing order is 1,2,4,5,3

* h[1]=18 12 0C 06 00 .. .. ..

** that is decimal 24, 18, 12, 6, 0

* h[2]=.. .. .. .. 03 .. .. .. was for this h[1] ???

* so h[1] reftooth in decimal are 24, 18, 12, 6, 0; in mct hex format:

* h[1]=18 12 0C 06 00 .. .. ..

* h[2]=03 01 00 02 04 .. .. ..

** ign-outputs ch00..ch4 are used for cyl1..cyl5 respectively,

** so with this config, ignch0 (cyl1) TDC is 12 + 3 tooth + 80 crankdeg after the "first tooth" - rather call that tooth0 after the missing tooth after the camsync pulse chosen edge

*** 0C (decimal 12) is the h[1] reftooth that belongs to h[2] entry ignch00

*** 03 is the configured trigger-tooth

*** 80 crankdeg is the "configured trigger to TDC" (config.ign_tdcdelay=A0)

** so ignch4 (cyl5) TDC is 0 + 3 tooth + 80 crankdeg (similarly as above, just using different h[1] "reftooth" entry). You get the idea.

Other settings:

How to upload h[1] - h[1] was not used before 2006-Sept


* If you replace vemsv3.ini from the http://www.vems.hu/files/TuningSoftware/MegaTune/vemsv3_ini_1.0.59_h1_included.zip than you can set h[1] from MegaTune

** Peter Nanassy said this didn't work for him, MegaTune complained about invalid ini and froze (weird)

Alternatively via TerminalProgram

[small conflet and mtt files to upload] of the very few changes. These were made with make_conf.pl and make_tables.pl (but can also be made with a modified generate_config.bat)

* upload both small mtt files via TerminalProgram.

* dump mct and review that h[1] is right. For now, do this even if you set in MegaTune, just to be sure

firing order is 1,2,4,5,3

h2 was originally 3,4,2,0,1

with the tested oveerlappingdwell firmwares it had to be changed to 4,2,0,1,3 to start the car.dont ask me why:)