OnlineCourse/GettingStarted (2004-03-22 15:23:04)

This is an AtMega128 and embedded systems course for lazy people, who like to know much, but small steps at a time (like me :-)

The course will be going on these pages, with discussions on avr-hun (Hungarian) and genboard-dev (English) lists, see ListsAndForums, and subscribe. The course is optimized for people who can spend 10 minutes once in every while to learn new stuff, which makes work more efficient (sometimes pays back at the very 1st project).

You will find some of it very useful, and directly useable in other projects, others will start to make you think how it can be done better. Even though we are going through the firmware of a gasoline engine management system, it is suitable for people who know nothing and not even care about engine management, but target other embedded applications.

The best way to follow the course is to

We are looking for people who translate the course to Hungarian or other languages. If you can help, or you would like it to happen, write your name to AtMega/JTaG/Hungarian page.

After doing the following steps, you will know a powerful environment that can cut down the time you need for embedded system development.

future topics

you can suggest topics and order...

have fun,
