MembersPage/SteenAndersen/Questions (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

Sub-page for questions for MembersPage/SteenAndersen

PRoblem SOLVED, THX to Answer A2 below. :-)

1 - I did un-install WinAVR version ""WinAVR-20050214-install.exe""

2 - Installed the version from "WinAVR-20040720-install.exe"

3 - used, make clean ; sh , then make all; and this time no errors




I'm nor sure if this question should be asked on BuildFirmwareFAQ page, please let me know i'm new to this wiki concept.

I Cannot get the Firmware to Compile into VEMS.HEX with the make command. Iread the page

GenBoard/Firmware/BuildFirmwareFAQ several times, trying all the hint's about PATH variable, and SH command, but no good.

I run on XP SP2, and installed the latest versions off ActivePerl- and WinAVR-20050214

And type like this in a CMD \n

D:\VEMS\Firmware\Copy\firmware>make clean

Witch turn out fine to clean up in the firmware directory ending like this\n

rm -f vems.a90
rm -f vems.hex
rm -f vems.sym
rm -f vems.eep
rm -f vems.hex
rm -f vems.asm
rm -f *.bak
rm -f *.log
rm -f *.*~
Errors: none

Then i try to compile within the SH Shell with the make command, like this.\n

sh-2.04$ unset LIB
sh-2.04$ make
echo "runme from sh shell, win32 cmd is broken, dies with CreateProcess error"
runme from sh shell, win32 cmd is broken, dies with CreateProcess error
avr-gcc -c -O3 -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-ahlms=actuators.lst -D GENBOARD
IUS -D WBO2 -mmcu=atmega128  -I. actuators.c -o actuators.o
comm.o(.text+0x97a):D:\VEMS\Firmware\Copy\firmware/comm.c:834: more undefined re
ferences to `PRG_RDB' follow
D:\app\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe: *** [vems.elf] Error 1
rm avr/adc.o avr/lcd.o avr/eventqueue.o avr/kb.o injconf.o eventqueue.o dispatch
er.o avr/iac.o avr/spi.o softpwm.o avr/wbo2.o injector.o spi.o engine.o ign_logg
ing.o phasesignal.o avr/keyboard.o avr/dispatcher.o timing.o benchmark.o avr/sto
rage.o avr/fuelcontrol.o avr/menu.o edis.o avr/button.o avr/timing.o ringbuf.o a
vr/actuators.o ignconf.o boostcontrol.o multitooth.o menu.o knock.o avr/comm.o

I did the above on firmware downloaded on Jan 27 and 26 Mar. 2005 with same result. I tried to reinstall Perl and WinAVR, same result.I even trid to install it on the labtop, same result. What is wrong.

I use the my_make from /docs with !WBO2 enabled.

I did manage to compile the tables with 'make mtt so something is working.

A: For production cars stick with the firmware release from: it has a precompiled vems.hex (with wbo2 enabled) in there- DB.

A2: The error you are describing seems to be related to a PRG_RDB macro change in the latest avr-libc, if you revert back to an older version you should be able to compile properly. If you do a wiki search on 'PRG_RDB' you'll see that GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmWare page has another solution to your problem. Good luck - DB