MembersPage/SteenAndersen/History (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

Sub page for MembersPage/SteenAndersen

This page is to collect my history, with old Q&A, and Progress..

04 Apr. 2005

Compilation of firmware problem from MembersPage/SteenAndersen/Questions page is solved.

1 - I did un-install WinAVR version "WinAVR-20050214-install.exe"

2 - Installed the version from "WinAVR-20040720-install.exe"

3 - used, make clean[Enter] ; sh [enter] , then make all [enter]; and this time no errors


Actually it only worked on my old download of the firmware from 27 Jan 2005, when i try to compile my latest download from 26 March 2005 it fail with tihis error.\n

sipr.c: In function `sipr_process_inc':
sipr.c:69: error: `sipr' undeclared (first use in this function)
sipr.c:70: error: `sipr_recCRC' undeclared (first use in this function)
D:\app\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe: *** [sipr.o] Error 1
rm eventqueue.o ign_logging.o phasesignal.o benchmark.o dispatcher.o engine.o me
nu.o injconf.o ignconf.o knock.o multitooth.o edis.o ringbuf.o injector.o boostc


A: Spir is only added to latest CVS; It seems to me you are not using the released firmware from GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges, current CVS is _not stable_, stick to using releases - DB

OK : Follow UP

I was able to compile the "released" version download, so compilation enviroment must be ok, and the 26 mrs. 2005 download i have must be bad or broken. I'll stick to released version.

BUT in the MembersPage/JohanEriksson/VerThreeFirmForDummies that i followed, it says to download the firmvare from csv with the GETFIRM.bat; but that apperently not always a good idea.

So maybe a correcttion to the MembersPage/JohanEriksson/VerThreeFirmForDummies was a good idea :-)

Problem ALMOST SOLVED, THX to Answer A2 below. :-)

1 - I did un-install WinAVR version ""WinAVR-20050214-install.exe""

2 - Installed the version from "WinAVR-20040720-install.exe"

3 - used, make clean ; sh , then make all; and this time no errors


But it only compiles old version Firmware.

Se error on Progress page.



I'm nor sure if this question should be asked on BuildFirmwareFAQ page, please let me know i'm new to this wiki concept.

I Cannot get the Firmware to Compile into VEMS.HEX with the make command. Iread the page

GenBoard/Firmware/BuildFirmwareFAQ several times, trying all the hint's about PATH variable, and SH command, but no good.

I run on XP SP2, and installed the latest versions off ActivePerl- and WinAVR-20050214

And type like this in a CMD \n

D:\VEMS\Firmware\Copy\firmware>make clean

Witch turn out fine to clean up in the firmware directory ending like this\n

rm -f vems.a90
rm -f vems.hex
rm -f vems.sym
rm -f vems.eep
rm -f vems.hex
rm -f vems.asm
rm -f *.bak
rm -f *.log
rm -f *.*~
Errors: none

Then i try to compile within the SH Shell with the make command, like this.\n

sh-2.04$ unset LIB
sh-2.04$ make
echo "runme from sh shell, win32 cmd is broken, dies with CreateProcess error"
runme from sh shell, win32 cmd is broken, dies with CreateProcess error
avr-gcc -c -O3 -g -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-ahlms=actuators.lst -D GENBOARD
IUS -D WBO2 -mmcu=atmega128  -I. actuators.c -o actuators.o
comm.o(.text+0x97a):D:\VEMS\Firmware\Copy\firmware/comm.c:834: more undefined re
ferences to `PRG_RDB' follow
D:\app\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe: *** [vems.elf] Error 1
rm avr/adc.o avr/lcd.o avr/eventqueue.o avr/kb.o injconf.o eventqueue.o dispatch
er.o avr/iac.o avr/spi.o softpwm.o avr/wbo2.o injector.o spi.o engine.o ign_logg
ing.o phasesignal.o avr/keyboard.o avr/dispatcher.o timing.o benchmark.o avr/sto
rage.o avr/fuelcontrol.o avr/menu.o edis.o avr/button.o avr/timing.o ringbuf.o a
vr/actuators.o ignconf.o boostcontrol.o multitooth.o menu.o knock.o avr/comm.o

I did the above on firmware downloaded on Jan 27 and 26 Mar. 2005 with same result. I tried to reinstall Perl and WinAVR, same result.I even trid to install it on the labtop, same result. What is wrong.

I use the my_make from /docs with !WBO2 enabled.

I did manage to compile the tables with 'make mtt so something is working.

A: For production cars stick with the firmware release from: it has a precompiled vems.hex (with wbo2 enabled) in there- DB.

A2: The error you are describing seems to be related to a PRG_RDB macro change in the latest avr-libc, if you revert back to an older version you should be able to compile properly. If you do a wiki search on 'PRG_RDB' you'll see that GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmWare page has another solution to your problem. Good luck - DB

Update: 03 Apr. 2005

OK. I gave up to compile the Firmware, and downloaded the released version form GenBoard/UnderDevelopment/FirmwareChanges

I got the serial port to work from perl by installing Win32-API + Serial port support. And succeded to upload Vems.hex file to GenBoard.

I tried to use Megatune, but the configuration files seems to be wrong. I can see the reealtime parameters like temp, rpm, clt, iat, a.s.o.

Then i trid to install MegaTunix, it seem to work until i enter the motor detail s page then i crashes.

So for now i only have RS232, LCD, PS2, and perl up working

I tested almost all the port's with mdhXX command.

Next i think i have to start consider how the tables.txt and config.txt will look like.

Update: 25. March 2005

I Have Connected and Tested Communication to RS-232, PS2 Keyboard, and LCD Display. I tried the mxc command, ant tried the mcd and got the whole set off parameters in return. YAHOOO....... :-)

So far it's a success; but i must say that it's not that easy, because of the lack off a better toturial or building manual.

The PS2 connection has been corrected in [the manual] - thanx for the feedback.