MembersPage/Skassa/ToyotaIdleControl (2006-08-11 06:55:03)

Idle air subpage of MembersPage/Skassa

The toyota iac is a two coil unit.

Can this be controlled ?

BMW and audi uses similar iac, and both are controlled. MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/IdleControl controlled it first, now the feature enabled in standard firmware.

From global.h :\n

uint8_t iac_conf;            // iac, bit7:softidle bit6:asym bit5:dualsol bit4=1:ignadv ON, bit3:preciseidle bit2:stepper(0=pwm) bit1: low_power_halt bit0:power_iac_only_when_move

You need to use dual solenoid (bit5=1) with the standard PWM (precise-idle) valve settings. iac_conf=0x78 would be good, but iac_conf=0x68 is better for start (ignition-based idle off via bit4=0).

With the injector outputs (injgroups) you have complete freedom (because of injgroups.)