MembersPage/Norbitron (2012-04-14 17:46:27)


I assembled my new board into a motronic box with motronic55 connector.

I think this pinout is ok from Econoseal to Motronic55. This harness from S4 AAN.

Serial connection

I tried to connect my ECU to the PC but ...


In 99% of cases it's the prolific windows-driver problem that causes symptoms exactly like yours.

The vemstune version 0.10.80 (2011.11.15)

I tried 3 different driver version but it didnt want the true.

I installed 4th driver . (PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1417) wherewith it can connect. But its not 100% perfect. When disconnect the ecu it cant reconnect. One way to reconnect. close vemstune -> disconnect the usb connector and reconnect -> open the device manager, and i must to change the com ports number from com9 to comX. -> save the config. -> open the vemstune, -> add suply to ECU, detect ecu on comX port. it cant connect yet. -> supply off. in device manager the com ports number change back to com9. If i do it the ECU can connect. I think this driver not the best but i didnt find better. I think i will reinstall my Op.system.