MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/EricsVolvoTurbo (2006-05-29 00:36:57)

Eric Wiklunds Volvo 142 Turbo

This car shares a lot with Jonas car: MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/VolvoBtwenty

The same engine configuration, only this one is turbo-charged.

Genboard specific configuration

This is a v3.2 with production number 127.

Both triggers are configured for Hall.

Ignition outputs

00IGBT (Currently used to drive an MSD 6A)
04 SDA (PD1) - on JP1 connector (current default for AntiLagSystem)
05 SCL (PD0) - on JP1 connector
07Ground for SCL and SDA

EGT - only first input used.

LCD and PS2 - are brought through a DSUB25 as described here : GenBoard/BuildProcedures/LCDconnect

MAP - MPX4250AP 250kPa=2.5 bar (1.5 bar boost) using a push-in connector in the front plate.

Injector driver flyback - GenBoard/Manual/PowerFlyback