
See CanBus

The [CAN Dash] was originally manufactured with STM32 microcontroller.

The 25pin version is more featureful, with

Firmware utilizes some of these, with more possibilities in the future.

See CanBus, 3 different firmware versions:

Download firmware and tool from

Uploading (-c write) a different version (normally NOT necessary, if ordered with the desired version) takes only a few seconds

Important NOTE and commands:

NOTE for the qurious: Normally the Round emergency revive S-Flood is only required if the FW upgrade was interrupted. However, it is currently needed (because the old roundloader cannot send special command to kick the new aim2can application into bootloader).

Commands to upload

Analog inputs: See AimToCanBusPinout

DSUB25 male pinout (analog/digital inputs/outputs)

ADCMUX_ADC0_PA0, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC1_PA1, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC2_PA2, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC3_PA3, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC4_PA4, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC5_PA5, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC6_PA6, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC7_PA7, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC8_PB0, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC9_PB1, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC10_PB2, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC11_PB3, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC12_PB4, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC13_PB5, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC14_PB6, = > 0k (but lower readings, because of )

ADCMUX_ADC17_PC1, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC20_PC4, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC21_PC5, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC23_PC7, = > 0k

ADCMUX_ADC26_PD2 }; => !! ONLY WORKS WITH RESET disabled FUSE set !!

Upgrade is normally not needed (ordering actual type),

possible from VT (by replacing an existing round.chex of some version - use webtool if necessary to download a very old version - with the aim2can bmw_or_vag_or_aim_....chex file) but also from

__Command line:__

roundloader.exe -p COM1 -s 19200 -f aim2can_DB25_BMW.chex -c verify

See AimCanFirmwareUpgradeIssue