History of MembersPage/AntonLilja/Assembly
Older Newer
2006-03-29 05:48:25 . . . . MembersPage/AntonLilja [Progress update]
2006-03-12 19:04:49 . . . . MembersPage/MarcellGal [linked closeup pic of 33 Ohm position]
2006-03-10 06:23:38 . . . . MembersPage/AntonLilja [Which resistor/jumper?]
2006-03-09 16:47:53 . . . . EmilLarsson
2006-03-09 03:53:54 . . . . MembersPage/AntonLilja [update and question about AREF=256]
2006-03-08 03:05:06 . . . . MembersPage/AntonLilja [nothing much]
2006-03-04 04:07:37 . . . . MembersPage/AntonLilja [moved]

Changes by last author:


== Notes ==

28/03/06 Update:

* Drilled frontplate for pneumatic connector

* Updated firmware to 1.0.34

* Mounted MAP sensor, vacuum connection and frontplate to GenBoard

* Did AREF=256 mod, soldering a 33ohm resistor to a trace

* Setup trigger hardware:

** Solder jumper JP2 & JP7

** Solder blob SJ6

** R181 = 100k

** Replaced C103 with 1nF

serial number 303, sent out on 2005-07-09 (among the first 5 v3.3 - these had no R181 PNP-ed)

* apparently you assembled yourself: confirm R181 has been soldered (100 .. 180k) according to the note you received from the shop: If using VR on primary trigger, please check R181 100k (0805 size SMD)resistor at LM1815 pin7. (min 47k, max 180k; 100k recommended: you can find 100k in rescue kit marked as 104 ).

** R181 is connected to LM1815pin7, so NOT the two pads right next to LM1815 pins 6 & 7 (which is the 3 pin header connected to LM1815 pin5, leave that 3 pins open!)

** You do not actually need the R181 resistor when using HALL as primary, but recommended to install it anyway to avoid future surprise (if using VR later). Anyway, have a note about this in the logs (or trigger related notes) that you write for your ECM.

** believe it or not, I independently copied the old R181 note (we even had an edit conflict when I saw your question and added more info on the pin).

* remove D100 if you use powerflyback GenBoard/Manual/PowerFlyback/RemoveD

* change C103 to 1nF if using secondary trigger HALL : Manual/InputTriggerHardWare/ReplaceC

* solder 33 ohm, 0805 size smd resistor (reads 330 which means 33*10^0) to set AREF=256. See closeup pic on BuildProcedures/SectionThree (not required but recommended)


== Notes ==