WebShop/DeliveryTracking (2005-01-18 15:48:26)

This page is about postal item tracking services that were used to track registered mails

Unfortunately not very useful, since it only gets registered in the destination country 1..2 days before the pack is delivered.

I don't know of a global tracker.

The registration ID is sg. like: RR060433882HU

This is usually written into the WebShop "sent-out" confirmation (email). If not, please don't email about it (especially for value<130 Euro which is most often posted unregistered). If you get the packID, but it does not end in a 2 letter country-code (such as HU, SE or US, etc...), append "HU". (the paper we get in Hungary about the sentout packet does not have "HU" at the end for some reason, but the code surely gets appended when the pack leaves Hungary).