WebShop/CardTransactions (2010-01-18 13:21:55)

VEMS webshop never charges anyone's credit card, ever.

We simply cannot! We do not ever receive the customer's card number. (different than purchasing at a local shop, where the merchant's magnetic reader in the POS equipment sees the cardnr). Do not ever send your cardnumber to us (or anyone, especially via non-encrypted email).

How does it work than?

What can go wrong?

Prefer card to Paypal payment: Card payment fee is not cheap, but still not as expensive as Paypal

Paypal charges 4,8, or 12% total fee depending on 0, 1 or 2 currency exchange happens in the path from the customer to merchant. This is largely invisible to the customer (most part deducted at the merchant side).

Minor details for "power-users"

While we cannot charge your card, with the card payment to ACMV LLC,

Banking system - monopolistic or real competition among banks ?

The real difference between transfer and card payment : merchant sees the card payment APPROVAL (information) immediately (without receiving the money immediately!) and merchant pays ~2.5% fee and cardholder is sometimes charged ~1% (hidden in the exchange rate when card currency is not USD).

If there were real competition among banks, some banks would offer digitally signed transfer certificates - straightforward with strong public key (asymmetric) cryptography.

Other details: another Paypal fraud:

Card processing gateway: we originally contracted with verisign (~500 transactions /month included in the monthly fee), and things went smooth.