VemsTune/QuickStartAudi (2010-05-13 17:06:20)

Subpage of VemsTune

Example to upload project files that have been prepared (usually by the install supervisor or power-users)


The examples below were captured with VemsTune 2008-10-16 release. Since than at least the menu names and order have been changed.

We encourage users to publish known-good (tested) config and tables. Experienced installers can prepare different settings for their favorite engine family, with options like below.

Even if the software part of upload can be solved with a few clicks, the important safety measures still apply. Do not skip these (you might fill cylinders with fuel, blow ignition fuse, or worse...). Before firmware upgrade, always:

Quick project install

Install the latest vemsTune (at least version 2008.09.02)

The installer will ask where to install the application (typical location C:/Program Files/VemsTune)

  1. in 2010 vemstune these functions are available under File / Project: namely File/Project/Open (1.1.27 12x12), File/Project/Firmware upload, File/Project/Config upload
  2. choose 1.1.27 (in old version the vemsprojects/firmware_1.1.27/ ) even for 1.1.7x firmware as well (see "defaultfirmwareconfig" below)
  3. Right click on audi-ann.vemsprj. A context menu will appear, 3 functions can be selected: VemsTune-context-menu.jpg
  4. Quick project upload (do both the firmware and config upload)
  5. Quick firmware upload
  6. Quick config upload

Quick firmware upload

Firmware upload dialog: appropriate Air and coolant files can be selected (2252 Ohm for sensors from webshop).

Select the right one and Save it and Upload the firmware. quick-firmware-upload.JPG

Project open + project config upload


The same procedure applies to 1.1.65 (or newer). If you upload an older config (1.1.27 in the examples) with recent VemsTune (2009-12 or later), it will automatically use "defaultfirmwareconfig/..." for any variable not found in the uploaded config. This "upgrade-feature" saves time: helps to get reasonable values in new tables (without extra steps). Note: it is recommended to review the tables and dialogs anyway.

Create individual project file - for advanced users

The file is a simple XML format.

  1. Rename/Copy the original .vemsprj file.
  2. Open it with Your favorite XML editor.
  3. The structure is very simple/straightforward.