UsabiLity/GenBoard/WinTools (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Windows Tools

Tools for configuring GenBoard without the need to install additional software (such as Perl).

Instructions for download & install

Make Config

makeconfig parses a list of config files and converts them into a single downloadable file.

Usage: \n

makeconfig -c <config file1> ... <config fileN> -g <global file> (optional: -l <log file>

Example: \n

makeconfig -c c:\firmware\etc\config.txt c:\firmware\etc\60-2triggerconf.txt -g c:\firmware\global.h
makeconfig -c c:\firmware\etc\config.txt -g c:\firmware\global.h -l configError.log

Make Tables

maketables parses and converts a file containing the ECU's variable tables (such as injection and ignition maps) into a downloadable file.

Usage: \n

maketables -t <table file> (optional: -l <log file>)

Example: \n

maketables -t c:\firmware\etc\tables.txt
maketables -t c:\firmware\etc\tables.txt -l error.log

See also