NissanTriggerHelperBoard (2005-07-11 12:03:46)

I'll document my progress on the InputTrigger/NissanTrigger Helper Board here.

This is my current table setup:


The chip is the AtTiny2313.

The (ugly) schematic:


(I didn't have a AtTiny2313 component for the schematic, thus the older AT902313 is pictured, but the pinlayout is the same.)

The code is [here].

It will light up the corresponding green LED. I've never seen the LED used for decoding errors light up.

I also need to output the trigger for the tachometer, but that's just copying the simple trigger output.

When removing the need for the extra tachometer functionality, I realized that I just had copied the InputTrigger/AudiTrigger, but without the two LM1815 chips.