MembersPage/Sprocket/Lcd (2007-12-04 20:59:39)


I have bought the shop LCD, works as it should, however, the characters are just a little too small for it to be usefull in the bumpy ride of the Mini. It can take some time to focus on the information and i am taking my eyes off the road for too long, this forces me to keep my eyes on the road and only look at the display when apropriate, not very convenient when you are tuning.

Other factors are that i am just a Flash git, lol

so I have searched for a UK source of a larger display, but unable to find a single purchase supplier in the uk

I have ordered this display from Its almost twice the vewable area, and as you would expect the characters are almost twice as big. Total cost delivered to the UK is $81.64



I swapped over the wiring and resitors from the shop LCD. However the contrast is all over the place, so I need to source some variable resistors to find decent values, other than that, it works, and, OMG!! its big in relation to the shop display, LMAO.



I have now sorted the contrast, the resistor value to use for contrast, LCD pins 1/3, is 670 ohm, and the usual 27 ohm resistor for the backlight, LCD pins 2/15, seems to work fine




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