MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/EgoCorrection (2007-08-29 23:02:06)

Lack of EGO (lambda) correction

I've experienced problems on a couple of cars where I haven't been able to get the EGO correction to work (stay enabled, or enabled at all) while it works great on others. There must be something I'm missing so I've put all the necessary data files here:

I run the currently recommended firmware 1.0.73.

A known problematic config.txt is [here].
A known working config.txt is [here].

How does the ego_conf variable work these days? Only bit 5 and 0 should have any effect and should be set to 0 as far as I know. This problem smells of a bit in some variable that I can't alter through MegaTune, and which the VEMS firmware cares about.

[Datalog] and [MSQ] are available. The datalog shows a condition where the correction should be enabled, but just isn't.

I have not tried a clean new config, and I have any idea of how to go about that in an easy way. All config variables would have to be set to zero and verified one by one. I feel like that is the last resort, which is why I sit here typing up a Wiki page. I would probably solve the problem faster if I hade my own car to test this stuff on, but that is still not the case.

I will investigate the config variables further, any assistance is appreciated.