MembersPage/Kamuto/Orange (2017-06-29 02:09:26)

target is to use orange pi board to read vems data for realtime data over ser2net or dataloging trigger frame stream.

current board: Orange pi lite

OS Armbian Ubuntu Desktop :

to connect it to vems we need to have serial port on the board, it has some UARTS but they are ttl level, so we need some max232 interface.

using one like that :

using UART3 to connect it: Orange_Pi_2_GPIO_Pinout.png

to get it working we need to change orange configuration in /boot, link how to do that :

best way to test it is to download minicom and try to capture some aim data from vems serial port, in my case i had to swap rx and tx wires on serial cable which connects between vems and raspberry. both ends of the cable are female gender.

at the moment I'm using orange to have wireless connection for the ecu on test bench using ser2net

config file is located in /etc/ser2net.conf and has line 4400:raw:1000:/dev/ttyS3:19200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner

Test simple built binary, linking and serial port

made test, got data moving without erors, uploaded results file: