MembersPage/JanSaenen/Config (2006-06-14 21:01:53)


Peppe's config and tables E30 325i turbo, EDIS: [config.txt] and [tables.txt]

Gergelys config and tables E30 325i turbo, stock: [txt]

The fuse problem is solved now and not a problem anymore. My rotor turned out to be smashed. After replacing that spark is still a problem:

If i monitor the plug from cil 1: It has a great spark for about 4 times/turns and then just drops dead or really weak for a few turns and lights up again just as bright as in the beginning. It's the same for the other plugs.

I guess that has to do with my megatune settings.

Below is my new config and table

Previous remarks

That is unlikely to be intentional.

See GenBoard/Manual/DigitalOut/Table