MembersPage/EsbenNorby (2005-09-24 10:49:58)


Inline 4 cylinder natually aspirated engine.


Stock setup is four 39mm flatslide carburetters.

Planned setup is 38mm throttles from a Suzuki GSX-R 600, including the stock injectors.


Note: This is from a GSX-R 1000, but the 600 version is very similar.


Stock setup is two coil wasted spark. According to my Haynes manual the primary resistance of the is 1.8 to 2.8 ohms. Would that make it suitable for inductive ignition ? It is CDI based ignition setup.

Second option:

Suzuki GSX-R coil on plug.

According to the Haynes manual the resistance of the primary winding is 0.8 - 1.2 ohms, would that make it suitable for VEMS?

I think it was Jorgen that told me coils lower than 0.5ohms are unsuitable for VEMS.. but I just want to make sure.

There is no simple rule if you can only measure resistance (eg. the old oiltanker types are good for inductive type ignition, despite the high resistance). Knowing the size and/or inductance helps a lot.

Trigger wheel:


Recent photo of the engine. Two wires run to the pickup coil. That would make it an VR type?


Diagnose plug (rs232), Bulgin - Micro Buccaneer 400 Series.

LCD plug ITT Industries - SureSeal.



According to the Haynes Suzuki Manual the injectors are supposed to have an resistance of 11-16 ohms @ 20C.

Measured my four injectors to 21-22 ohms. Don't know why they are not within spec of the manual.

[MembersPage/PhatBob] I think that we need to have some sort of priority list for the manual.

Triggers: Types (Hall, VR, optical, distributor) and configuration (missing tooth, multi tooth, sync etc)

Sensors: Water, air, tps, map (manifold fitting guide required)

Injectors: High/LowZ

Drop me a mail: box _at_ pusher _dot_ dk