MembersPage/BillHart/WinMobileLogger (2006-01-17 13:04:11)

I am working with a friend to generate data recording capability on Win Mobile PDA platforms. Data will be stored in memory or in Fat16/32 on the PDA's memory card.

Update: Jan 17,06 Writing to memory or card done. Serial comms done. Looking at V3.3 data dump commands or SIPR interface. Should be testing both within a day.


SerialComm/SIPR should be uptodate (and apparently complete). For the config positions, parsing global.h is necessary. In the future, slcan packet-wrapping will be the standard ("Mac" command), that allows multiple devices on the bus. But implementing sipr first is a good idea, you will be able to upgrade easily.

Tonight, a updated user friendly megatune package with firmare will be releases, 1.0.30, with simple .bat files for firmware upgrade through serial port

Q: What language are you planning on writting the WinMobileLogger in? I am a MS developer and would be interested in helping out, I ( near Cleveland, USA who actually?) was planning on writting something myself if someone else hadn't already started.

APP written in VB.Net as my programmer was familiar with it and there was serial comms support available.

A: MembersPage/DickSafier . I have been doing C# .NET development exclusively for past 2-3 years so happen to find it much quicker to write in then C/C++ personally, but its always a matter of personal preference.

Some work in C must be done and my programmer must come up to speed with it. Are you developing outside your interests? If so, please provide email contact information via my web site at Thanks, Bill