GoBox/MailingList (2004-05-13 15:53:19)

We operate a Yahoo Group for Mailing List Management and other services related to the GoBox Universal Motor Controller


We have as of April 19 (its 2 Month Anniversary) 73 Subscribers from all over the world:"

We have now members from India, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, United States, Canada, Italy, France, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Hungary and Germany, and probably some more countries just that these are the only ones that use Email-services with recognizable top-level domains. So we appear to still be missing people from Russia, China, Korea, Japan and Africa!

The list generates relatively little traffic since we have decided to instantly publish and discuss the majority of relevant information on this WIKI.

We have some links on the Yahoo site that are also accessible to non-subscribers http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/GoBox/links