VemsFrontier/OpaSelection (2005-04-04 06:36:00)

OPA - Operational Amplifiers for hardware developers and manufacturing

When RCal is hardware processed (not software configured) we consider using a lower offset OPA than LM324D (although we could calibrate and compansate in software).

I'm a bit confused, which is the order of preference for OPA now? Please review

We selected the 277 series from Texas.

Try to use it for pump and sensitive stuff (such as precise input mA diffamp) only.


NOTE - GrmRacer I have a local field engineers card. He delivered my samples to the front door. Should I contact? I think so, it's a good competitor to the texas OPA4277UA. Best would be to get the distributor address in Hungary, Europe.

MCP3208 serial ADC (SAR) substitute

See also