MembersPage/SeppoRepo (2004-08-06 13:09:54)

Project Subaru Leone 1.8 4WD Turbo

I have disassembled whole car. (i.e. ripped it apart!)

Shopping list:

Power-Flex bushes (all),

new ball-joints (all),

KW suspension (Civic Kit),

16-17" Wheels & Tyres!

Bigger Turbo (GT28 or something. Goal 300+HP)

Safety tank (U.S. made=Cheap!)

D.I.Y. list:

Stainless exhaust(all the way!)

Spherical strut mount bearings!

N.O.S. Installation! (Foggers!)

Under work :

All electronics are now on the floor of my work room.

I have the ECU rom readed and code dis-assembled and i have partially commented the code (i.e. explained how it works)

Main wire harness is un-taped and wiring diagram is under work.

Panel beating:

Body widening(10-20cm inc. Doors) and new strut mounting panels.

GlassFibre front and rear spoilers(maybe rear diffusor!)

Intercoolers and oilcooler mountings.

Safety tank mountings!


  • - Powered up my Genboard 3.0
  • - Tried communication with serial cabel
  • - Connected LCD
  • - Connected Ps2 Keyboard

Question: do i have to use 1G resistor for trig input pull up resistor or can i use 1M supplied with rescue kit?

1G is our general notation of don't populate (user choice). If you need trigger pullup, use 2k7..10k (needed for HALL sensor, but it is no problem for VR). It doesn't make sense to put in 1M or 1G. (TODO: move this info to some related page)

The R..=1G is a value that our scripts (scripts that prepare automated manufacturing) evaluate as "not needed". It's an insane big value anyway, so wouldn't make any difference. If you want pullup towards 5V it will be 2..10k (not 1M). If you don't want, leave it out. If this is clear, please move this to a common page (VerThree/Installation I guess, since it's not buildprocedure related, but install.... HALL lovers will use it, VR will probably not, although a 10k would not cause any problems I'm sure)

At last i have some spare time to solder parts to my V3.0

But part info in Manual and Schematic are in conflict so i have few questions.

Q1: In "VEMS/Manual/VerThree/Installation" is noted that FET GATE RESISTOR is 33 Ohm But in Schematic says its 1K

Should someone update the PDF schematic to the new "standards"!

What is the right size?

10..1000 Ohm when PWMing is not used

10..100 Ohm when PWMing is used (also good when it's not).

If you don't have anything from 10..100, I'll send you 33R (make a list of things)