MembersPage/PoweredBMWSfiftyFour (2014-11-05 12:20:57)

BMW S54 6 cyl, firing order: 15 36 24

VERY, VERY important: S54 needs 4 PFET outputs (high-side drivers) for the vanos actuators. Any other setup is not supported (driving vanos actuators directly from p259 outputs not supported, and might damage the p259 and cause other indirect problems).

According to our knowledge, for S54, it's enough to just

[VT help]
  • see the Dual Vanos Output type: Measured = 0 ... target - 2 deg - PWM-ing range : OutputA active and OutputB inactive , when Cam pulse too late... So OutputA should be connected to the actuator that advances the cam when activate

We'll see if this engine happens to show something tricky.

Trigger: VR, HALL, HALL

Cam sensor pinout:

Cam actuators

Cam actuator wiring

Exhaust cam wiring, sectrig

Intake cam wiring, third trig

Ign outputs. Copied exactly from paper... not clear at all. Can you reformat ?

Still not clear: (pin11 is on EC36, not EC18; please confirm).

Pin 33-36 is obviously on EC36, but stepper is on EC18... weird...

Trigger errors

Engine is running well, but trigger error is lit continuously...


triggerlog ?

Note: [old log files] were not captured with this method, and not suitable to reproduce what is going on.

Capture triggerlog: