MembersPage/PhatBob/ToyotaFitting (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

Progress, the loom is 75% built, and the injectors are connected.

Using the stock ignition system, I was able to get the car to run for a few revolutions and then it stopped. I changed the cranking threshold to 1000rpm and the engine ran for a few seconds.

This is when it's time to start tuning. Just give the engine air and tune fuel (and ignadv as necessary). First it's enough to just hack (playing with afterstart, req_fuel, warmup and alike; nothing will be perfect at this stage) as much as to let it idle long enough to warm up, because VE table needs to be tuned when warm. Than (starting again with cold engine) you must go back to warmup and than finally afterstart.

If VE does not change pulsewidth / behaviour at low MAP, maybe you have already added too much fuel with injopen (use injopen=00), battfac or injocfuel.

[Config file]

[Tables file]

[Datalog for a running session]

The car:


Toyota Corolla AE86

The engine:


A 20V 4A series engine

The CAS:



Plug boot:
