MembersPage/PetrPodrazsky (2004-06-10 06:37:59)

I want implement Megasquirt AVR on Skoda 1.4 engine.

It is 4 cylinder 1397 ccm OHV, distributerless wastedspark ignition.

Ignition: Original module. It have two logic level inputs for 1-4 and 2-3 cylinder, without dwell control (I think).

Throttle: Electronically controlled with DC motor. (With the DC motor you must have feedback from MAP, right? TPS,RPM => MAPtarget. Otherwise it would be very unprecise. MarcellGal.)

This throttle body is originally mounted on this engine. It have TPS sensor. My configuration is like on this page

So my plans are to made separate unit that will read TPS and Pedal Position then compare values, make some adjustment and calculate PWM for H-bridge. Initial position of throttle is little open so for normal iddle it need little closing.

Photo of throttle body:




Photo of engine:

Trigger wheel I plan use: trigger2.jpg