MembersPage/PeterSchneeberger/DaxRush/Questions (2005-04-16 23:32:42)

Com 1 is used as communication port.

I get into bootloader mode using the terminal program. (Bray)

I send Manmcbffmcb in the terminal program.

I then change to 19200 baud and send S to check the reply.

The reply from the controller is AVREFI1.

I then send v to the controller. The reply is 20.

I exit the terminal program and start AVRprog.exe

I have successfully uploaded vems.hex (from v3_firmware_2004-11-24_v9 ) into the ATMEGA using the AVRprog.exe. Try v8, to make sure.

I exited the program using the exit button on AVRprog.exe

I can download config.mtt from the controller using the terminal program (Bray) and the mcd command.

But I can still not get the Megatunix to communicate to the controller.

I started the Megatunic via command prompt. Then I changed the com port to COM1.

This is the message I get from Megatunix:

The MegaSquirt ECU appears to be currently disconnected. This means that either one of the following occurred:

  1. Wrong Comm port is selected on the Communications Tab. Possibly, but you aleady know which com port you used with Bray terminal.
  2. The MegaSquirt serial link is not plugged in. Unlikely...
  3. The MegaSquirt ECU does not have adequate power. If other apps / terminal can talk to it, it's got enough power.
  4. The MegaSquirt ECU is in bootloader mode. Check with a terminal, or better with Do a verify @ 19200, and if you don't need to "t" talk to the "msavr" application first, it's in bootloader mode. We already know it's not, as you can "mcd" the application. I think this points to a lower-level MegaTunix<-->firmware problem of some kind.

What do I do wrong??????????????????????????????/