MembersPage/MackHooper/Genboard (2005-07-28 19:31:37)

Can't get my Genboard v2.2 working...

Using Marcell's programming instructions from:

Currently my cable is wired as an STK200:\nÿ1ÿ

AVRDude reports:

C:\WinAVR>avrdude -c stk200 -p m128 -F

avrdude: AVR device not responding
avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s

avrdude: Device signature = 0xffffff
avrdude: Yikes!  Invalid device signature.

Check stk200 entry in avrdude.conf and measure from end-to-end (parallel DSUB25 to AVR pin), and extend the table above with AVR pin number.
(avrdude.conf looks the same as Marcell's instructions. <1Ohm from Dsub to AVR pins, everythings matches)

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done.  Thank you.


this is what I use with linux
mknod /dev/parport0 c 99 0
chmod a+rw /dev/parport0
avrdude  -p t13 -c bsd -E noreset -e  -U flash:w:test.hex

AVR      db25
reset to pin#7
SCK   to pin#8
MOSI  to pin#9
MISO  to pin#10
gnd   to pin#18

What I've checked:

What's next? I can scope it if necessary, just don't know what I'm looking for...