MembersPage/KevinBlack/IssueReports (2009-07-02 15:18:06)

I have ecu board#1981 here, the customer took it apart, left one clamping plate loose, probably touched across some contacts inside as a result.

The problem is, the ecu is stuck in bootloader mode.

I can upload firmware (1.0.73), remove power, and on the first power-up it is back in bootloader mode again.

MT says wrong firmware expected, vemstune says stuck in bootloader.

I also tried to add "tools\megaloader.exe firmware\upload.hex -wE 38400 -c com1" to the "upload-firmware 16x16" file.

And I tried PSItuner, which worked for me in the past. But nothing will work this time.

Please advise. Thanks,
