MembersPage/Kamuto/Technical (2016-02-29 13:56:59)

I'll try to be technical and simple here.

1. question.

current v3 with can bus adapter over spi interface, currently supports bmw s65 throttles over can. Do we get any tool in vemstune with which help we can customize can stream and adapt it to other cars, like to transfer vems data over can bus, rpm for b5 and b6 audis, rpm and coolant for renault clio, rpm and water temp for bmw. with that we can be safe for some more time :D

2. smart brigde. as I understand you have the device which has a lot of possibilities, but at the current time it's not much software are written for it. when approx it will be ready for use? the use I mean full integration with vems tune and v3.

3. what are the plan to connect v3 and smart bridge together?

currently rs232? or can bus later? does trigger frame protocol has enough speed for trigger events like cam control?

4. as I remember SB uses arm processor + FPGA? correct me if I'm wrong.