MembersPage/JanSaenen/Vapourised (2006-02-23 01:33:53)

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Input variables where Inj_out is dependant of with vapourised injection

Used sensor: Bosch 0 281 002 576

Free ADC inputs mcp3208:

injection pulsewidth calculation

  • Fueltemperature PW*MULTIPLIERtemperature uses a look-up table (NTC) \ MembersPage/NTC

Density of a gas (eg. air) by universal gas law: proportional to 1/T (so multiply calculated fuel amount by Tref / T, both in degrees K: traditionally called "airdenfactor" that we make match matfactor - see EasyTherm)

For liquid injection, the liquid flowrate (through an injector) is proportional to sqrt(pressure) so we need to multiply fuel pw with (pressure ^ -0.5).

How to know pressure (over the injector!) is another question.

Nice data sheets for gasses:

With this graph of pressure and temperature of Propane:


Same graph for butane-n:
