MembersPage/GunnarReynisson/IdleControlPID (2013-04-28 18:36:31)

Been investigating PID idle control in 1.2.13

Some issues found.

Proportional operating when IAC is inactive.

Seems like stall prevention, needs it´s own P term for proper calibration

IAC close delay (TPS > IAC threshold) overrides all other duty cycle values and is able to shut of the valve completely.

Some engines need a minimum airflow otherwise they stumple at low TPS positions and it maybe very difficult to control the pedal at such low loads. Certainly 255 value would probably solve 99% but still not the proper solution , I vote 0 value be valve never closes and help should explain that.

In Vemstune someplaces say minmap, other lowmap, needs to be clearer if they are the same or not.

Assymetric PID Conf needs explaining.

Advance rate of change is a P value not a rate value and therefor needs a new name.