MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/WBO (2005-06-20 16:07:11)

This page about WBO2 sensor related things

Currently there's no o2 sensors installed, so I have to find the right location.

If you take a look at my engine bay [huge pic!], you'll see that I've a clean section of exhaust right after the turbo.

The question is, is it a right place for wbo2?

I'm affraid of excessive heat and pressure.

From :

"Another effect is that higher pressures contain more oxygen and fuel molecules and thus require a larger pump current to come to equilibrium. This gives the indication the mixture is richer than it would be if measured at normal atmospheric pressure. This effect is particularly important for turbo engines where poor sensor placement can fool you into thinking you have a richer mixture than you really have."


"Sensors should be placed so they are not overheated (gas temp not above 750 °C, nor cooled beyond the ability of the heater to maintain their working temperature (~10 Watts)."