MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/FirmWare (2006-04-19 03:19:58)



Finally went to firmware 1.0.38 which controls BMW idle solenoid nice. (Previous used versions were 1.0.14rc, 1.0.30rc2 - both hacked for iac)

Upgrade was not easy as car was going like shit (very weak) thanks to new ALS variables, which I wasn't able to disable completely, and retarded my ignition to hell.

I suggest to everyone to double-check changed new-old variables with comparing mcd outputs, and don't expect that FF always means disabled, like I did...

Now it seems ok.


Since I need to have customized code for IAC, tried to compile new firmware. This is not so easy in windows.

There's a great howto at MembersPage/JohanEriksson/VerThreeFirmForDummies but I had problems

When I tried "make all" from cmd.exe:


make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.

make: *** [vems.o] Error 2

I get the same from cygwin's sh.exe, and in sh.exe from unxutils

I've found that it was nothing to do with the shell and make.exe, but with avr-gcc.exe which wasn't found. (Since it was not in path)

I've found that spaces are not welcome in winavr's path, and Marcell said that if 'lib' environment variable is set (to anything) that confuses make.exe, so I made a batch file which sets the environment before I can say "make all".

It is like:

set lib=

set path=%path%;D:\VEMS\winavr\bin\;D:\VEMS\winavr\utils\bin\;

After that I was able to compile the firmware succesfully. Thanks for the ideas Cell and Ben.

About setting under win32: