MembersPage/GergelyLezsak/BigSixTurbo (2005-11-08 07:51:44)


BMW called M30 engines as "Big Six" (M20, just like mine is "Little Six"). This page is about an M30B34 turbo engine, originally in a 745i from 1985.


It's not a weak car even it's stock form (3.5 Turbo, automatic),

but this engine will go into a light chassis (e30), with manual gearbox and possibly motor tuning, more efficient turbo design, etc.

Here I try to put together what's needed to GenBoard it :)

Original setup

Car outlines originally:

Here is a similar car: MembersPage%2FMattiasSandgren%2FBmwSevenTwentyEight - Unfortunately the owner had to sell it for 1300 euro..

and a [movie clip] for motivation