MembersPage/EmilMalmsten/AudiS (2006-01-02 23:24:54)

Trigger setup for Audi S4, 5cyl Direct Fire engine

Audi 2,2T AAN engine

Now with orginal trigger

ECM: 3.3 #332

Modified to accept auditrigger

Scope messurements are done at ~200rpm

also try to take a log with distributor unplugged, you should see 0x0A for each secondary trigger

All sensors original except for map/iat: Bosch 0 281 002 437

Firmware 1.0.29 00:21



It turned out that the 135 tooth noise to the crankhome is inserted outside the ECM (with connector removed, it was still there), in the cable or ground.

Even if it might idle after some hacks, finally the noise from crank-VR must be eliminated, hints on InputTrigger/AudiTrigger/TestLM

It's unacceptable to use

with this setup

There is a problem under investigation: the LM1815pin3 is clamped at 0V (not at -0.3V) for some reason. Take pics, measure voltages on LM1815 pins. (supply too).

MembersPage/EmilMalmsten/AudiS/OldPage with 60-2 + camsync. Had runout and very little space to fix triggerwheel

See also