MembersPage/Benzmacx (2011-06-10 00:18:20)

This car is an ECE 190E 2.3-16v, therefore it came without an emission system or oxygen sensor. The stock CIS fuel injection system completely failed. Excessive fuel wash and the destruction of multiple catalytic converters lead to the decision to go with a stand alone set up, rather than pain over the antiquated CIS set up.

The project initially started out as an attempt to see how simply a stand alone could be set up. The engine ran ok after this half-assed attempt, but the drive-ability was piss poor. Idle sucked (no IACV), tip in sucked (half assed tps)... Eventually this was all replaced/fixed but I would highly recommend skipping the half assed attempt.

An update with the current set-up will follow shortly.
