MembersPage/BalazsRbSx (2016-09-21 19:16:05)

Welcome to my Page!

My name is Balázs Nagy and this is my note of specifications and mods I have done to my car.


Nissan Syline GTS-t RB25DET Spec2


Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7turbo with stock manifold using converter

Front mount intercooler

Costum IC pipe

External wastegate

Costum made aluminium radiator with built in heat thermostat for electric fan

HKS super sequential bov (atmorpheric)

Tomei fpr


Ordered Vems, forgot to write in "nissan" for engine specifications, so modifying order for Nissan Hall trigger. Guys said it could be solved by ignoring secondary trigger abouve 2500, but the guy programming my Vems said he prefers to have it with Nissan trigger.