InputTrigger/UltimateMeasurement (2010-06-11 16:27:27)

Sometimes a bit more measurements are needed than usual.

The worst is the low-toothcount VR.

Without finding out what is happening, there is little hope.

The following measurement is recommended, simultaneously

Than start cranking. We'll syncronise the data if necessary. Take at least 8 seconds. (or 5+5 seconds)

Triggerlog scope function

Marcell used 2010-06-11 nightly (that was actually a noon compile), and found the following:

Also, the timestamps even in the numeric grid are suspicious. Eg. in the example the camsync pulses (in the subaru group of 3) are very close:

It's not "losing 262 msec" or anything like that (because pulses are more frequent than that). If it's really that close in the triggerlog, we have to know for sure !