ExhaustGasTemp/SensorCalibration (2010-06-25 11:27:36)

Subpage of ExhaustGasTemp

Though engineers often think about K-thermocouples as "40 uV / Celsius" it is true for the internal sensing element, not the gas-stream.

Even for long and thin thermocouples that tend to break and ruin the turbo (if installed before the turbo), the sensing element is somewhat lower than the gas temperature.

With the rugged thermocouple more heat is conducted away. Since the peak is thin, the speed (transient response) is still comparable, but the final established "static state" reading is effected: the sensing element is at an intermediate temperature. This makes the sensor even more durable. This is a reproducible effect (and also same between different sensors: we tested several ones from different batches and no measureable difference was found). This term is non-linear (exponent is between 1.5 and 2), so at 450C the difference-percentage is lower. But for exhaust-gas temperature one cares most at 900C and higher.

According to measurements at glowing 900C gas temperature the U/T was:

Without gas-stream (that is nonsense in an exhaust, but happens in a laboratory calibrator equipment) we could measure 37.4 uV/C (that is 6.5% lower voltage than the naive expectation from the "K-thermocouple" curves).

If one wants to compensate for gas-temperature (not sensing-element temperature) we recommend to use *1.05 higher calibration value than the K-thermocouple textbooks or calibrator devices (like the one used for the calibration of the round input).

Before turbo / after turbo

It is possible to place the sensor after the turbo, but the reading will be lower.