MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/MrideCarForTwo/Trigger (2007-07-25 00:57:53)
[Start] [[Trigger] [[FuelInjection] [[Display]


The plan was to use a wire connected to the negative pole of one of the ignition coil primaries.

As suggested by Anita on IRC :\n

<Anita2> sandgren_ : the voltage there (igncoil primary) is a bit high.
 It would be nice to use a voltage divider, like a 2x270k to 10k
<Anita2> and I would use HALL setup, with rising edge detection 
(the rising edge is much clearer, as there are 2 falling edges:
 a small 12V and a large 200V later => VR is not very good for this)

Note: The trigger is just for RPM, there is no ignition control with this application as the stock Suzuki ECU takes care of that.