SubVersionSVN (2007-01-09 23:39:36)

Subversion is a version tracking system similar to CVS

Major reasons to move from sourceforge CVS to SVN:

Links - since SVN is documented nicely, links are enough for now:

Fortunately kdesvn and tortoise-SVN are compatible with the svn commandline tool, because they both use the .svn dir to store metadata. You can use them on the same working directory interchangably.


Be sure to checkout/update only the subdirectories you need. You can write a small svn_update.bat (or file to automatically update what you need (usually 3..4 subdirectories). Checkout/update of the whole vems repository will not work (I am not sure if SVN has an option to neglect any directories that one has no access to: it would be more convenient).

If you think you accidentally don't have access to one of the repositories or subdirectories, please write to Marcell so the error can be corrected.

Simple https client (web browser) is enough to view the latest revision (because of nature of SVN, not just head/trunk but of any tags and branches as well). Also useful to find out which subtree you need

However a real SVN client is needed to commit or view history.

Developers ask for SVN access - many haven't asked yet


Hashed Password syntax

There are several options to get your pw hashed. Currently we cannot use the hashed pw made by the md5sum program, so use either Either:

Examples (fictive):

If you have problem with authentication when using an SVN client, always try if you can access with a simple browser via https, to eliminate windows and SVN client usage problems

How to report issues related to SVN

Report via email to marcell.

Reports in any other way (eg. irc) might be neglected (waste of time). Even if a full report is not good in irc, mentioning the fact of firing the report is good.
